Baomix Biologically rare plants rich in active ingredients.

The latest customer reviews and testimonials on the Baomix Biologically laboratory

  • cesou -July 19, 2024 | 16:02 - The benefits of bitter apricot almonds on your health
    Thank you for all your products received today... What do you recommend for an external tumor (as big as a cherry), which bleeds all the time, very vascularized and therefore I don't know what to put on it because everything sticks together and the bleeding and scabs are torn off, this rebleeds and makes the tumor grow with its new vessels... Basically it was like a dermofibroma that I let evolve... + the side effects of shingles which itches internally 40 days afterwards, which seems to have caused my spleen or intestine to swell because patches were on my back and stomach... Patches healed for a long time but a nettle feeling... thank you in advance, if this helps other people...
  • -July 2, 2024 | 14:21 - The benefits of organic hibiscus flower on your health
    Thank you to YOU ​​Mylène for your testimony and for all these good vibrations, they go directly to our hearts.
    We are also delighted that you are completely satisfied with our products, congratulations for your selection, they are excellent for strengthening metabolism and maintaining balance.
    The laboratory team
  • Mimi -June 19, 2024 | 20:05 - The benefits of organic hibiscus flower on your health
    Thank you very much for the response, and I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate you on your site, I have been ordering for 3 years taking advantage of promotions, artemesia baobab moringa, I no longer have period pain and I added yam (food of disappeared heat) and hibiscus recently and I have never been disappointed. best wishes
  • -June 19, 2024 | 11:23 - The benefits of organic hibiscus flower on your health
    Hello Mimi,
    Thank you for your comment and for your interest in our hibiscus flowers.
    To prepare a hibiscus flower infusion, we recommend steeping the leaves for 5 to 10 minutes in boiling water. This will fully release the aromas and benefits of hibiscus.
    We apologize for missing this information from the package and will make sure to include it on future labels. If you have any further questions or need more information, please do not hesitate to contact us.
    Kind regards,
    The laboratory team
  • Mimi -June 18, 2024 | 01:18 - The benefits of organic hibiscus flower on your health
    I would like to know how long we should let the hibiscus leaves infuse, it is not indicated on the package? THANKS
  • -May 31, 2024 | 07:24 - Mobile Blog
    Hello Cécile, to eliminate graphene, spike protein and messenger RNA, following the injection of 3 doses of the covid vaccine, you must take a minimum of 6 capsules of Artemisia annua per day. For faster results, you could take Artemisia annua mother tincture, it is a product very concentrated in the active ingredient of annual mugwort, which will give results even faster.
    Finally, in addition, you could take Graviola soursop leaf capsules, 3 per day, dandelion capsules (3 capsules per day) to help remove graphene, spike protein and messenger RNA following the injection of the vaccine. covid, and also baobab fruit powder (one teaspoon of powder per day, or 4 capsules) to strengthen your immune system.
    Looking forward to serving you
    The laboratory team
  • Cécile -May 31, 2024 | 07:16 - Mobile Blog
    I would like to have information regarding taking "Artemisia annua" capsules (number of capsules per day and taking time), with the aim of eliminating graphene, spike protein and messenger RNA, following the injection of 3 dose of the covid vaccine (in 2021), for my partner.

    Thanking you in advance for the attention you will give to this email.
    I remain available for any further information.
  • -May 16, 2024 | 05:43 - The benefits of Dandelion root on your health

    I thank you for your message. Here are the most popular products in our store for this type of pathology: graviola leaf, artemisia annua, dandelion root (4 to 6 capsules per day), bitter apricot kernels, desmodium (to prevent destruction of the liver in the event of chemical treatment), turmeric capsules and capsaicin capsules. All Biologically laboratory products are compatible and complementary. They have been carefully selected for their absence of negative interactions and their ability to act synergistically with chemical treatments.

    Cancer is a complex system, orchestrated by the lymphatic system, the immune system and the blood system. The metabolism uses it for as long as it needs it. Our products help rebalance and strengthen metabolism to enable the body to quickly rid itself of cancer.

    To support the immune system, it is recommended to take Baomix baobab fruit powder daily (2 teaspoons per day, or 250 g per month) and moringa leaf powder, rich in iron to facilitate digestion. action of artemisia annua. Pure L-Ascorbic Acid Vitamin C also acts as a shield against cancer cells, its antioxidant properties being essential. Chilean researchers have recently demonstrated that it also protects tumor cells in different types of cancer.

    A general treatment should last 3 months, followed by a therapeutic break of one week before resuming if necessary, depending on the person's general condition. Regularity in taking natural products is essential, more than quantity.

    It is also crucial to eliminate elements that promote cancer, including sugar (with the exception of organic honey and fruits), meats loaded with synthetic hormones and chemicals, as well as dairy products, which are rich in raw materials. fatty and concentrating carcinogenic agents. Choose vegetables, preferably raw or steamed, as well as fruits in smaller quantities, all from organic farming if possible.

    At the same time, it is recommended to practice daily exercises to activate the lymphatic system, essential for strengthening the immune system and protecting the body from diseases and infections.

    I conclude with this quote from Hippocrates: “Illness is born from many small sins against nature.”

    Yours sincerely,
    The laboratory team
  • sylvie bouchard -May 9, 2024 | 21:39 - The benefits of Dandelion root on your health
    what is the dosage? THANKS! it's for bones and breasts and lymph nodes.
  • -April 16, 2024 | 04:07 - The health benefits of organic Maca root
    Dear Colette,
    As a herbal therapist, I understand that rectocele can be an uncomfortable condition. According to the information available on the website, there are several natural products that could help you manage this condition.
    First of all, Desmodium adscendens is known for its hepatoprotective and anti-inflammatory properties. Although it is primarily used to support liver function, its anti-inflammatory effects may help reduce inflammation associated with rectocele.
    In addition, a diet rich in fiber can help prevent constipation, which is important to avoid worsening of a rectocele. Moringa leaves and Baobab fruit, available on, are excellent sources of fiber, these two natural products will also strengthen the quality of your fabrics. They also contribute to healthy digestion and reduce pressure on the pelvic floor.
    When it comes to exercise, Kegel exercises, which strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, can be particularly beneficial. These exercises involve contracting and relaxing the muscles you would use to stop the flow of urine. They can be performed several times a day, in series of ten contractions, to improve support for the pelvic organs.
    Make sure you drink enough water throughout the day to maintain regular, easy-to-pass bowel movements.
    It is also important to maintain a healthy body weight, as excess weight can increase pressure on the pelvic floor. Regular physical activity, such as walking or swimming, can help manage weight and improve overall health.
    Looking forward to serving you
    From the laboratory
  • colette -April 9, 2024 | 10:08 - The health benefits of organic Maca root
    I am 73 years old and have suffered from rectocele for 2 years which seems to be getting worse. On doctor's advice I have local hormonal treatment. Can I use maca. I would really like to stop this hormonal treatment. Thank you for your reply.
  • -March 27, 2024 | 13:34 - Contact
    Hello Françoise, as we are used to saying with natural products, the important thing is regularity and for me the quantity, your friend can of course take some Artemisia annua mother tincture, and even in small quantities on a longer period.
    For people at risk or people who have serious pathologies it is advisable to consume the mother tincture in small quantities, that is to say two or three drops per day but over a much longer period such as 3 months, then make a break of 15 days and resume afterwards.
    Looking forward to serving you
    The laboratory team
  • -March 27, 2024 | 13:27 - Artemisia Annua annual mugwort against coronavirus COVID-19
    Hello Élisa, thank you for your message, According to the information available on the website, Artemisia annua, or annual mugwort, is a medicinal plant which has antiviral properties and which is currently being studied for its potential to treat various conditions, including COVID-19. It contains compounds called artemisinins that have shown anticancer effects in laboratory and animal studies, and are also being studied for their antiviral potential.

    Regarding long COVID and the use of Artemisia powder or tincture, the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of the plant may provide benefits in terms of reducing inflammation and supporting the immune system. This is helpful for people with prolonged symptoms after COVID-19 infection.
    Looking forward to serving you
    The laboratory team www.biologiquement.chop
  • -March 27, 2024 | 13:22 - The benefits of black cumin or nigella seeds
    Hello Ghislaine, thank you for your message, rheumatoid arthritis, or chronic progressive rheumatoid arthritis, is an inflammatory disease that gradually worsens. The inflammation gradually reaches the synovial membrane located inside the joints and which ensures the sliding of the joint surfaces. Triggering pain and destruction of bones and tearing of tendons, it more often affects women aged thirty and over. It is attributed to an immune origin in Western medicine, hence the importance of a good diet.
    Many people with joint pain avoid moving for fear of making the problems worse.
    However, physical exercise done correctly has exactly the opposite effect.
    Not only does it help strengthen the joints, but physical exercise is also essential for maintaining your optimal weight.
    Being overweight has catastrophic effects on osteoarthritis. The added pressure on the cartilage makes the inflammation worse.
    It is customary to consider that each kilo you lose reduces the pressure on your knees by 4 kilos, and by 6 kilos on your hips.
    It is very important to warm up before moving. Making gentle movements like shrugging your shoulders, turning your head, making circles with your arms, gently leaning forward and to the sides, allows you to get started quietly. Repeat each movement 3 to 5 times.
    Stretching exercises, where you stretch all of your limbs, are particularly suitable for joint pain.

    Eat meat exceptionally and preferably white, in dishes where it is not the main ingredient. Priority to legumes (pay attention to the cooking method, which must remain light), with small bites of meat. This is also how we still eat in the most deprived countries and we are no worse off despite poverty.
    Gorging on dairy products therefore means gorging on growth hormones that are unsuitable for our body. It is no coincidence that new cancer treatments involve therapies targeted to tumor tissue, anti-angiogenics, in other words anti-growth factors.
    The (new) gluten in products made from wheat, corn, rye, barley, but also kamut or spelled promotes intestinal porosity. In other words, the general intoxication of our organs: bad molecules like those in milk, instead of being evacuated by our colon, will awaken our cells with carcinogenic potential. And destroy our immune system, hence the explosion of autoimmune diseases.
    It is recommended for this pathology to regularly consume ginkgo biloba capsules, Baomix organic baobab powder and organic moringa leaves and artemisia annua.

    Regarding Goji berries, I understand your concern about their sugar content. However, it is important to note that the sugar found in Goji berries is naturally occurring and different from the added industrial sugar found in many processed foods.

    Goji berries are rich in essential nutrients such as vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. They have also been studied for their potential anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating properties, which could be beneficial for people suffering from autoimmune diseases.

    Additionally, the amount of sugar in Goji berries is generally relatively low compared to other high-sugar foods, and their glycemic index is moderate, meaning they do not cause as big a spike in blood sugar as certain other sweet foods.

    Here is the list of natural products that we can advise you for the natural treatment of Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's, at the same time we must advise you to eat as many 100% natural products as possible such as organic products, and to use the minimum of chemicals for the maintenance of your home and for your personal hygiene, all these exposures to chemicals are an aggravating or triggering factor of the disease. It has been recognized that certain environmental factors such as significant and prolonged exposure (over several years) to chemical products such as pesticides or certain solvents can lead to the onset of Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease.
    Ginkgo biloba capsules dramatically improve both circulation and memory. Several studies show the involvement of ginkgo in improving cognitive abilities in humans thanks to the antioxidants it contains. The plant thus strengthens brain activity to stimulate memory, concentration and even the ability to learn. This is partly due to better fluidification of cerebral blood microcirculation which will also have the effect of boosting the production of neuroprotectants in the brain. Ginkgo biloba capsules are currently one of the most used in the treatment of various degenerative brain diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease or Parkinson's disease.

    A substance present in green tea has beneficial effects against Parkinson's disease.
    Green tea capsules protect dopamine neurons. The polyphenols in organic green tea inhibit a chain of cellular reactions that lead to cell death. The dopaminergic neurons would then be able to multiply again. Researchers from the Max-Delbruck-Centrum ftîr Molekulare Medizin Berlin-Buch (MDC) were able to demonstrate in vitro on neuron models that EGCG, a substance present in organic green tea, was capable of reversing the fatal formation of plaques in the brains of Parkinson's and Alzheimer's patients. Researchers have even discussed the possibility of transforming neurotoxic protein deposits into non-toxic spherical proteins using EGCG. Apparently, EGCG, in an early phase, binds to still unfolded proteins and prevents their misfolding, responsible for toxic and insoluble aggregates.

    We can also recommend lapacho in capsules which have a unique cellular oxygenation capacity and this is what would “regenerate” the cells.

    Papaya leaf combined with graviola leaf are exceptional antioxidants which neutralize free radicals, inhibit lipid oxidation and delay certain pathologies linked to free radicals. Thus: they slow down the progression of degenerative diseases: Alzheimer's, Parkinson's (its usefulness in patients resistant to L-Dopa treatment has been demonstrated)

    Curcumin, an Asian spice compound found in our turmeric capsules, is a remedy for Parkinson's disease. It was discovered by researchers at Michigan State University, this substance can notably prevent the agglutination of a protein involved in the pathology of this disease. Parkinson's disease is a degenerative disease of the central nervous system characterized by insufficient formation and activity of dopamine, and also by the presence of Lewy bodies.
    Lewy bodies are inclusions found in neurons, which are formed by the accumulation and clumping of a protein called alpha-synuclein, as shown earlier this year in a study by researchers led by Basir Ahmad, an MSU postdoctoral researcher.

    This new study led by Ahmal shows that curcumin binds to alpha-synuclein and prevents it from aggregating in neurons. Lisa Lapidus, MSU professor and associate professor of physics, said, “Our research shows that curcumin can rescue proteins from aggregation, which represents the first steps of many debilitating diseases. Specifically, curcumin binds strongly to alpha-synuclein and prevents aggregation at body temperature. »

    Proteins are made up of amino acids, which link together in a chain. This chain can take a three-dimensional shape in particular by a process known as folding. Although alpha-synuclein was previously believed to be natively unfolded, it is now a known fact that this protein forms a stably folded tetramer that resists aggregation. Mutations in genes encoding alpha-synuclein are folded at a lower rate, increasing the tendency to aggregate into insoluble fibrils.

    This pathological process of neuronal inclusion formation can be stopped by curcumin. This compound binds to alpha-synuclein, not only inhibiting aggregation, but also increasing the protein's folding rate, which blocks its tendency to clump with other proteins.

    This result is a very important step in the development of a new treatment for Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease, as well as other pathological conditions characterized by Lewy bodies, but there are also other factors that must be taken into account. counting until patients can benefit from these results. First, curcumin cannot pass through the blood-brain barrier and therefore cannot bind to alpha-synuclein. “The usefulness of curcumin as an actual medicine may be quite limited because it does not go into the brain easily where the harm is occurring,” Doc said. Lapidus.
    The latest studies show that therapeutic cannabis CBD is capable of reducing certain symptoms associated with this disease, such as sleep disorders, psychoses, and uncontrolled movements.
    Medical cannabis or hemp contains cannabidiol in large quantities and very little tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Cannabis CBD oil therefore has no psychoactive effects, making it a very effective treatment.
    Our body’s endocannabinoid system maintains our inner balance. It regulates our moods, our appetite and our temperature. The main cannabinoid receptors, located throughout the body, are called CB1 and CB2. When CBD oil binds to these receptors, it helps the brain produce dopamine in greater quantities. This inhibits the symptoms of Parkinson's disease.
    The endocannabinoid system is a regulatory system located in immune tissues, the endocrine system and brain functions. It plays an important role in the secretion of stress hormones. CB1 and CB2 receptors are the two important types of receptors in this system.
    The endocannabinoid system is known for its abilities to regulate many physiological functions. These include motor control, pain, mood, eating behavior and cognition. Parkinson's disease mainly affects these functions. The endocannabinoid system is therefore directly impacted. For a person to better manage their symptoms, the endocannabinoid system must always be at peak function. Consumption of CBD then helps improve the performance of the system's receptors.
    Finally, according to American scientists, fasting can have beneficial effects against certain brain diseases, such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. Fasting promotes the production of neurons, excellent prevention of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases.
    We know that overeating, unhealthy food (excess fat, sugar, chemical and synthetic products, non-organic products, etc.), dietary imbalance, snacking, intoxin the body, exhausts the organism which will consume excess our energy for digestion and cleansing via the emunctories (liver, kidneys, intestines, skin, lung). This “leak” of vitality and the weakness of the immune system will gradually weaken the body and promote the appearance of diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease and depression.
    Researcher Mark Mattson, professor of neuroscience at Johns Hopkins University and current head of the neuroscience laboratory at the National Aging Institute, is one of the most eminent researchers in the field of cellular and molecular mechanisms. He demonstrated the benefits of fasting which could protect the brain against the effects of Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease and other neurodegenerative conditions.
    Depriving yourself of food one or two days a week could counteract the effects of Alzheimer's or Parkinson's. Researchers at the National Institute on Aging in Baltimore also said they had found evidence that periods of almost complete cessation of food intake for one or two days a week could protect the brain against some of the worst effects of Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and other conditions.
    Another principle: eat nothing during certain periods of the day. Everyone can adapt it in their own way. Technically, sleep time is already a period of intermittent fasting. We therefore try to prolong this fast, either by having breakfast very late, or by stopping eating after 6 p.m., or by having one meal a day, midday or evening, and drinking honey herbal tea the rest of the time.
    Studies also highlight the presence of other benefits linked to fasting: better heart health, increased longevity and reduced risk of asthma and various heart diseases.
    Yours sincerely
    Biologically yours
    The laboratory team
  • -March 19, 2024 | 03:15 - Artemisia components more effective than hydroxychloroquine against Covid-19
    Dear customer,
    Thanks for your comment, we're glad to hear that your husband has recovered from his chickenpox pneumonia, and interestingly, artemisia annua played a role in his recovery. Chickenpox is usually more severe in adults than in children, and complications such as chickenpox pneumonia are rare but can be serious.

    Artemisia annua, also known as annual mugwort, is an herb that has been used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat various illnesses, including parasitic infections like malaria. Studies have shown that artemisia annua contains artemisinin, which has antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties. This explains why your husband found relief using this herb.

    I wish you and your family good health and well-being.

    The laboratory team
  • Elisa -February 17, 2024 | 13:51 - Artemisia Annua annual mugwort against coronavirus COVID-19
    I would like to know if we can use artemisia powder or tincture against long covid.
    Do you think this could be beneficial?
    Thank you very much 🙂
  • Ghislain PARENT -February 4, 2024 | 21:45 - The benefits of black cumin or nigella seeds
    I am surprised that you recommend Goji berries to fight autoimmune diseases. These berries contain a lot of sugar. My wife has rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis and also half Alzheimer's. Or maybe the organic store doesn't provide me with the Himalayan one. Thank you for your response, best regards.
  • Moureaux francoise -January 29, 2024 | 10:50 - Contact
    Hello I don't know how to leave a comment on the blog so I'm getting in touch, first of all I'm a user of the artemisa annua mother tincture to prevent mutant covid viruses and I'm very happy with it. Between Christmas and New Year 2023 I have a friend vaccinated 2D who had covid headaches, fever and severe fatigue, I gave her my vial of artemisa annua, she took 30 drops for 8 days and for the next 5 days 15 drops and it's only gone since she still has random headaches and a bit of nausea. Could you tell me if she can take artemisa annua drops again? If yes, how many and for what duration?
    Ps: I also used graviola soursop powder for my kitty (suspected breast tumor) and everything returned to normal, from time to time I give her a 15-day preventive treatment. Thank you for your products and looking forward to your response.
  • Béa Durieu -January 11, 2024 | 13:54 - Artemisia components more effective than hydroxychloroquine against Covid-19
    My husband caught chicken pox when he was in contact with our grandchildren who had it last month. Oddly enough he never caught it when our young children got it. It was very serious, he developed chickenpox pneumonia. They got by thanks to artemisia annua.
  • Jean Claude -January 5, 2024 | 17:48 - Contact
    I asked what was best to take, powder, capsules or mother tincture.
    I take mother tincture regularly, but can you tell me, whatever the form of the product (powder, mother tincture or capsules), how much to consume to reach 500 mg per dose.
    There is no precision on the dosages on the bottle of mother tincture, I do not see them on the sachets of capsules on your site nor in the description.
    Thank you for specifying these dosages for me.
    John Claude
  • -January 5, 2024 | 15:17 - Contact
    Hello Jean-Claude, thank you for your message, you can respect the dosages indicated in the description of the products or on the labels.
    Ideally you should do a 3 month treatment, then take a break of 15 days to a month and resume if necessary.
    Remember that it is absolutely necessary to combine our natural products with daily exercise for at least half an hour, ideally at the end of the session you should be sweating.
    At the same time, you must stop all dairy products, this food is normally reserved for growing children, if your prostate is enlarging it is certainly because you are also consuming too much growth hormones. It is therefore preferable during your treatment to stop eating animal products, because they are loaded with synthetic hormones and antibiotics, so you should favor raw and plant foods.
    The laboratory team
  • Gadea -January 3, 2024 | 18:50 - Contact
    Good Morning
    What to take in the fight against prostate cancer, powder, capsules or mother tincture, and what are the dosages to follow?
    Thank you so much.
    Jean Claude Gadea
  • Ptitpépère -November 29, 2023 | 15:50 - The health benefits of Graviola Soursop
    Hello, I started treatment with graviola soursop, moringa leaves, artemisia, maca (all in powder) (1/3 of the minimum recommended dose for humans)
    as it seems to hold up (too early to say if it is effective), I will add apricot kernel soon.
    Is it consistent, what do you think? thank you for responding to me.
  • samuel -November 12, 2023 | 08:31 - The virtues of Artemisia annua (annual mugwort)
    I am so happy that my mother was cured of Alzheimer's disease with the help of Sister Valleys Cannabis Oil. Their oil is the best. Anyone who reads my reviews can place their order and they are delivered very quickly, contact them by email: (
  • sisel -November 12, 2023 | 07:58 - The virtues of Artemisia annua (annual mugwort)
    I am so happy that my mother was cured of Alzheimer's disease with the help of Sister Valleys Cannabis Oil. Their oil is the best. Anyone who reads my reviews can place their order and they are delivered very quickly, contact them by email: (

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The Baomix laboratory specializes in the promotion and distribution of natural health products. A range of products rich in powerful natural anti-cancer antioxidants to regain or maintain vitality, recommended for children in the growth phase, students, athletes and seniors. All these products are fair trade.